
Member Benefits

Why join The EPN Consulting Network?

In recent times, being part of a network has become crucial, not only to find a wide range of expertise, but also to foster lateral thinking. EPN Consulting is known in Europe as one of the most flexible consulting firms with a unique feature of being also a network of professionals (individuals and corporate). By joining The EPN Consulting Network you will find:


– Different Backgrounds Merged
– Several Capabilities Complemented
– Major Strength in Bidding
– Exclusive Services to EPN Consulting Members only
– Personal Relationship with each Member


The Membership Packages available are designed to meet a wide range of requirements: from individual professionals to SME and large organisations and from a BRONZE range of services to the GOLD one that can satisfy any demanding member.

Every EPN Consulting Member is treated as a Unique, Valuable Component of the Network. They receive personal communications in order to meet their needs in an innovative and bespoke way.

Member Benefits

– Receive first-hand information and documents on their preferred topic(s)

– Be invited to join projects consortia and bidding teams

– Give their projects and business activities enhanced visibility in Europe

– Enjoy the opportunity of advertising their achievements on the monthly EPN Consulting Newsletter received by 2,900+ selected decision makers in Europe

EU Accession Countries still enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on their annual membership fees! Take your chance now of joining our exclusive network of professionals in Europe.

EPN Consulting members can enjoy a repository of documents, videos, presentations whose access is proportionate to their membership category (Bronze, Silver, Gold)


  • Exclusive Professionals Network
  • Exclusive Information Service
  • Your profile and logo on our website
  • Receiving the monthly EPN Consulting Newsletter
  • Discounted Consultancy Fees
  • Discounted Training Courses Fees
  • Exclusive Invitation to events organised by EPN Consulting
  • Exclusive access to professional contents (selection of documents)


What included for BRONZE Members plus:

  • Major Discounted Consultancy Fees
  • Major Discounted Training Courses Fees
  • Exclusive Invitation to events organised by third party organisations
  • Exclusive access to professional contents (selection of documents and conferences presentations)


What included for SILVER Members plus:

  • Additional Tailored Newsletter (on request)
  • Generous Discounted Consultancy Fees
  • Generous Discounted Training Courses Fees
  • Inclusion of Your Company news into our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts
  • (NEW) Inclusion of Your Company news into the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts of EPN Consulting Research and Innovation Ltd.
  • Exclusive access to professional contents (selection of documents, conferences presentations and videos)
  • Exclusive opportunity to have direct contact with the EPN Consulting CEO Stefano Mainero as follows:
  • micro – 1 video call every 3 months
  • SMEs – 1 video call every 2 months + 1 meeting in person in London
  • large org. – 1 video call every month + 2 meetings in person in London

Please note: although this network is oriented to the European market, EPN Consulting is pleased to welcome professionals from any country in the world.

To subscribe please write to [email protected]