December 2021 Editorial – EPN Consulting Newsletter
Despite the complicated times we have been living in the last 21 months, I am so happy and proud to say we were able to organise the Final Conference of the i2SustainIT project,
Despite the complicated times we have been living in the last 21 months, I am so happy and proud to say we were able to organise the Final Conference of the i2SustainIT project,
The Erasmus+ i2SustainIT (Impact Incubator for Nurturing Sustainability) project – coordinated by EPN Consulting – held its 1st Training Course from 18 to 22 October 2021 in Piraeus (Greece) and was hosted by
We at EPN Consulting are proud to announce that a few days ago we coordinated the kick-off meeting of our new Erasmus+ project: “Impact Incubator for Nurturing Sustainability” – i2 SustainIT. The overall